Industrial accidents aka "Wrenchident"
I've already introduced you to my overly cheerful, somewhat air-headed, over-achieving, new fellow employee "Dannie."
Well, here's something that happended to me, via his not thinking, on Monday. To make things easier to describe, and for you readers to picture, I'm going to draw a little picture and then tell the events that occurred upon that slightly painful day. In order to see the image clearly you'll want to click on it...

Well, either I or "Dannie" mispunched a piece...meaning we messed it up and we had to reset some parts in the machine in order to resume production. As you see in the pic, there was a wrench next to the "harped" piece. "Dannie" asked if he should take the piece of the rollers so we could look at it. I agreed. It was then that "Dannie" pulled the piece towards the twelve punch in order to get some momentum to pull it off. That action also moved the wrench towards the machine...and off the rollers...towards the floor...and straight into my ankly bone. I yelled (which was about all I could do other than beat the rollers with a pry bar I had in my hand). Thankfully nothing (as in my ankle) was seriously injured, though it has been kinda sore the past few days.
Nothing like a good wrench hit on the ankle to keep you jumping in the middle of the day. ;-) I later accused "Dannie" of trying to take me out b/c I can punch so much faster than he...
Modern convenience (or 3 posts in one)
You learn how used to having something you are when it suddenly disappears in an ice storm. Namely, electricity. Most of Greenville has been w/o power since sometime yesterday morning. The fun part? The earliest predictions of having it back is sometime Sunday...which means at least 2 more nights w/o power, and 1 more day to have to try and find somewhere that has power to keep warm and occupied.
This ice storm, which has left about 300,000 of us without electricity, rolled in overnight Wed, and (obvioiusly) has caused a lot of damage. It caused me (though not without due cause and want of being safe) to "skip" my final Thursday morning...thankfully, I had been informed in advance that I could make it up later that afternoon, or sometime today if such an event (missing due to ice) occured.
Today has proved to be an interesting start with, I don't have power. Which means that I didn't wake up on time, b/c the usual means of waking (a stereo playing) wasn't available. Then when I did wake up, only an hour after I was to be at work, it was cold. And not just cool, but colder than I keep the inside of my cold that when I walked outside to go to work, it felt warm. Now that isn't saying much, for at the time it wasn't more than about 40° outside. After leaving work...which was about as boring as it normally is on a Friday, I headed home to get changed quick (I really couldn't "clean up" b/c I didn't want to waste the warm water I still had in the water heater...), and headed to school to (try and) study a little then take my final.
The final actually went about as well as it would've if I had gone to school Thursday morn and taken it then. Sadly, that means it didn't go so hot...I felt there were quite a few questions that I had no earthly clue to the answer. But, as I have been often reassured by various authoritive roles in my life, sometimes, life happens. Which is the position I am now in.
Here's the third part of this "3-n-1" post.
Last night, after a frantic scramble around town to find a place that could serve us food, and get us fed in time to get where we needed to go, we (my dad, sister, and I) made our way downtown to the Peace Center for the Performing Arts. There we attended a concert by Christopher Parkening, and Jubilant Sykes...all courtesy of my mom (thanx a bunch mom!!). The performances by the two artists was exceptional. I loved it. The combination of voice and guitar continues to be an inspiring method of performance, but coupled with the skill of Parkening and the awesome range of Sykes the combination is even better.
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