Saturday, May 20

Little Things....

Sometimes it seems that it's the little things that you live for. Seemingly small and insignificant actions of others that just make your day. That little word, phone call, smile, kiss, presence or even just tone of voice brings a joy that will never be able to completely be expressed in words, though it be very much appreciated. Rough days never seem as rough, and good days are made so much better just by that little thing.

Sadly, sometimes it's also little things that really seem to mess things up. Words taken out of context, attitudes misunderstood, feelings not known, circumstances unexplained, or actions mistaken. Such little things become the penny the derails the train, or the thorn that cripples the mighty lion. They render you feeling frustrated that something's happened, upset that you've caused pain, angry at yourself for being so blind, sad that all seemed to fall apart, pessimistic about both past and future, and many times scared.

When these little things become big things for whatever reason, time seems to come to a crawl. Every second seems like hours, every feeling gets intensified, and bajillions of thoughts scream through your head. Sleep comes as a relief, but seems to be so very close yet so very far, far away.

When little things become big things your stomach never feels right, and only distraction takes your thoughts away. Yet all you want to do is focus on that one thing. Your thoughts jump to conclusions as your mind searches its maze of experiences for something to compare it to.

When little things become big things they mean a lot more. The joy you receive or the pain you feel seems so much more real that you become blinded and cannot see reality. Thus you place your self either in an extreme emotional high or the deep gutters of despondency.

When little things become big things you don't know what to do. They leave you just sitting there either enjoying or resenting the rush of feelings that are flooding your heart. Reactions (complete with possible consequences) must be carefully weighed and excercised with extreme caution, thoughts must be checked, rechecked and then filtered by reality, and feelings must be controlled.

When little things become big things all you can do is accept them. However much you enjoyed or disliked it, nothing you say or do will change that it happened. If the pieces are shattered, pick them up and reassemble. If you're on cloud nine, bring yourself down.

When little things become big things life goes on whether you want it to or not. Living in a haze, daze, or other such altered state over what happens makes daily life so much harder. You want to either sit and relive the joy, or push the dread far far away. In either case, constantly it comes to mind and causes you to miss out on some things in life.

When little things make your day the rain clouds disappear.

When little things put you to sleep at night it's a much sweeter sleep.

When little things sound beautiful you sit awed by their beauty.

When little things are those kisses just at the right time they puts you in bliss.

When little things are just smiles they mean so much more.

When little things are being there to comfort, console, help, or just to be there they make the time so much better.

When little things mean more than can be put into words you can never truly express what you feel.


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