Wednesday, November 23

Leaving town...

Tuesday after classes marked the beginning of thanksgiving break, and with it gave most of us the opportunity to go home to be with family. Thus are the circumstances of my saga tuesday night...

5:00--[cell phone ring] I answer
Dave - Hey, chris, i need a really big favor.
Me - what can i do for ya dave?
Do you think you could take me to the airport?
[dave's dorm room phone rings and he proceeds to talk to his mother for a couple of minutes about when he'd get home...Repeatedly telling her "ok mom, i'm in a hurry...i need to go...i'm in a hurry"]
What time do you need to get there?
If you could pick me up at 7:00 that'd be great.
5:05--end phone call

In between that phone call and leaving work at 5:30 I got directions to GSP from a co-worker who happens to have an evening job there loading cargo planes

I go home and while in the shower miss a phone call...

6:45--I check my voice mail while walking out of the house to go and get dave...
"hey chris, this is jessie (my cousin's girl...) all our rides to the train station have fallen through, and I was wonderin' if you'd be free to take us to the station"

6:50ish--I call Jessie and talk to her about a ride...she tells me that her train leaves at 11:00; she wants to be there at 10:15; she states that picking her up at 9:00 would work; and asks if I'll have room in my car for 4 girls. I agree that it'll work out.

7:00--I get dave and his suitcase and set out to the airport following the directions that I was given.

7:20--no sign of the fact the town we were fast approaching, simpsonville, was on the other side of greenville...after a call to wes, we realized that the directions he had given me left out a least a detail that I didn't know but he thought I did.

7:30--dave should've been getting to the airport right now...instead we'd just turned around to make a bee-line for the correct interstate. and sound.

By 8:15-20 I arrive home, clean out my trunk and backseat in the car, then throw something fast into the microwave for supper.

8:30--Jessie calls and asks if I can come pick them up now...they're ready to leave campus. I ask for about 10 minutes to eat.

8:50--I pull back campus of BJU and help 4 girls load suitcases into my trunk.

From then at 8:50 until I dropped them off at the train station close to 10:00 I hung out with 4 was great. We went to shakes at sonic (which was quite interesting since they all needed separate orders and didn't all have exact change...)...drove downtown...looked at a "pretty" bridge (which we drove over and executed a "hard" u-turn upon arriving at the other side...yea rwd)...then got to the train station where we almost convinced one of the girls that her train was the boxcar train on the rails in front of the station.

After leaving the girls on the station I headed home where I frantically packed my stuff and tried to get everything ready for my own trip home the next day.


At Friday, January 20, 2006 12:36:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! I'm like totally famous! I'm on Chris's blog! How cool! That was hilarious! I don't know what was funnier, actually experiencing it all, or reading about it! lol!


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