Tuesday, September 13

Blubber...that's what I feel like, blubber

Today is the first day of rest after beginning the "totally out of my mind" (which is at least how I've come to view it) workout. To sum it all up, I'm sore. But I have managed to learn a valuable lesson (hehe right mcaviney) and consume 1+ gallons of water per day in two days. The hard part (other than the obvious physical excercise) is consuming 600g of carbohydrates...let me tell you, I'm beginning to think that's impossible...at least for me.

Day two of the workout to make me wish it wasn't healthy to be in shape begins tomorrow at 6:20 with stretching, a 2 mile run, and some nice, painful physical training. I can('t) wait.

As far as school goes, well, it's the second full week, and I feel terribly behind. It's not really as bad as it seems, but will require more effort to keep things moving. It's kinda disheartening, I look at my syllabus and the list of outside readings that we are required to do some of, and think "wow, that's a lot to read!" The fun part comes in the comprehension, because, sadly, theology can be hard to grasp. So it takes me, on average, about 3 minutes to read a given page of outside reading. Which is good, except that it takes longer to read each selection. For example, Monday morning I spent 105 minutes reading 37 pages...granted that doesn't average out to 3 ppm, but it's real close. So it would seem that most my "spare" time will be going towards accomplishing at least enough reading to "get by." Sounds bad, but sometimes it's your best effort.


At Tuesday, September 13, 2005 6:16:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At Wednesday, September 14, 2005 5:24:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, is the "Military training" helping or hurting the homework effort? How does one drink a gallon of water a day? How much food equals 600g of carbs? (Is any of it chocolate)? All things in moderation - even killing yourself!


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