Thursday, October 27

Fanatic...of sorts

It's official. I am now on the verge of, or have already crossed the line of, being a health fanatic. You heard right, a health fanatic. I've started tracking what I eat for both carbs and calories (as best as I possibly can, of course), and have diligently (as bodily and such as possible) maintained my prescribed (by me, of course...see post on being a navy seal) workout routine. This diligence results in running even when it's cold outside. I just finished running 4 miles outside in the 45° air (it actually had the real feel of like 41°). Granted, there are more maniacal people than I when it comes to being "healthy," but for me, I've never been this pro-active about it.

This week at work one of my fellow employees asked why I had become so concerned about what I eat (calorie/carb intake), and exercising. Here are my reasons (some of which have been thought of after giving him my answer):
1. I've been given this body by God, why shouldn't I do my best to keep his temple heathy
2. If I strive to be healthy now it will be much easier when I really do need to be healthy
3. It's good for me
4. A healthy body (both in muscular endurance and fat content) will age better and live (no rare disease occuring) longer
5. It builds discipline and thus character (by doing what sometimes your body doesn't feel like doing)
6. I enjoy it (at least the exercise part...the whole counting what you eat gets old real fast)

These reasons (when taken individually) should be enough to motivate anyone to both eat correctly and to exercise often.


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